FEI Canada is pleased to honour Louis O'Brien of the Toronto Chapter as the recipient of the 2015 Frank S. Capon Distinguished Service Award.
Louis O’Brien is a very active FEI Canada member, taking on numerous leadership roles over the years. A member since 1986, Louis has been President of the Ottawa Chapter, Director, Member Operations Committee of the Board of Directors, Treasurer, Vice President, Chair Chapter Presidents’ Council, Trustee CFERF, Vice-Chair and Chair of FEI Canada, as well as Chair of the 2011 Ottawa Conference Committee.
During his time as Chair, FEI Canada reached new heights in membership, profile, professional development and information services. Louis presided over a year of change at FEI Canada and the organization truly benefited from his leadership and direction.
Under Louis’ leadership, FEI Canada expanded its National breakfast Seminar Series, thereby enhancing members access to current and topical information. Louis’ tenure also saw growth in the Canadian Financial Executives Research Foundation (CFERF), which is contributing to the realm of Canadian research.
Louis models an optimistic “can-do” attitude, which helps inspire others. Rather than view obstacles as insurmountable, he focuses his energy on how to overcome them. He is not afraid to try new ideas, and he encourages and cajoles others to help achieve the objectives.
Louis truly believes in the value of FEI Canada for individual finance professionals, for companies, and for the country as a whole. He demonstrates that belief in a consistent high level of involvement and encouragement in all aspects of FEI Canada locally and nationally.