FEIsters | FEI Canada

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Ontario FElsters is a group of FEI Canada members who are retired but remain interested in financial matters, investments and organization leadership and wish to continue peer networking.  We are predominantly located in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and southern Ontario.

FElsters currently has approximately 50 members. including retired CFOs and business leaders of some of the most prominent companies in Canada. We are seasoned, yet willing to learn about new perspectives on business innovation, public policy and broad community issues.

Several FElsters serve on the boards of private and public bodies, including various charities, museums. healthcare institutions. and community service organizations.

We welcome new members to FElsters, so if you are recently retired or considering retirement, please contact us for membership and meeting details.

Annual Dues are $40 for the fiscal year July 1-June 30. In addition, there is a charge for lunch meetings, incurred upon registration for the event. Visit https://www.feicanada.org/events#3877/FEIster%20TO%202022%20-%202023 

FEIsters Meetings

FElsters have lunch meetings, with a speaker, in September, November and January as well as a joint lunch meeting with the Toronto Chapter at the National Club in March.  In addition, we have a social outing with spouses or significant others in May, to one of the theatres at Stratford or the Shaw Festival.

Regular Luncheon Meetings:

Location:  Downtown Toronto

Reception:  11:30AM to 12:00PM

Luncheon:  12:00 to 12:45PM

Speeches and/or presentations: 12:45PM to 1:45PM

Lively Question & Answer session until 1:55PM

Speaker is officially thanked and the meeting is ended promptly at 2:00 pm

Attendance typically runs from 25 to 30 people per meeting. Prior registration (online) is required to facilitate arrangements.

Click here to see a list of upcoming luncheon speakers.

Investment Group

A small group of approximately 15 FElsters meet monthly to discuss investment ideas. These meetings follow immediately after the luncheons in September, November and January.  Every other month, the group meets virtually to continue to exchange investment ideas and observations. All FEIsters are welcome. 


Exciting news!

FEIsters now has a sponsor: Senior Discovery Tours full-service travel agency. SDT is Canada’s largest operator of escorted tours for travellers over 55, offering trips to over 100 destinations worldwide.  Trips include Cruises, Bus Tours, Walking Tours and Resorts.  Members of FEIsters receive a special discount on tours when booking through SDT. At time of booking, mention the code FEIsters to avail the offer. Check out their website and sign up for their quarterly brochures and newsletters.  FEIsters will also benefit by receiving a small rebate at the end of the year based on all bookings by members of FEIsters.  We will use this to subsidize the cost of the lunch meetings.

Visit www.seniordiscoverytours.ca


FEIster Contacts

To learn more or to join the FEIsters, please contact:


   David Balmer
Membership Committee:

Bob Eisner

Kent James
FEIster Steering Committee:


Past Chair



Treasurer & Arrangements

Investment Group & Spring Outing


Tom Evans

Ron Hosking

William Hewitt & John Goudey

Bob Eisner & Kent James

David Balmer

Naresh Khosla & Fred Silk

Cliff Truax

FEI Canada
Leadership Beyond Finance

Financial Executives International Canada (FEI Canada) is the leading voice and informed choice for senior financial executives across the country. With 12 chapters and 1,100+ members, our association provides professional development, networking opportunities, thought leadership and advocacy services to its members. The association membership consists of senior-level financial executives spanning various industries, functions and disciplines and represents a significant number of Canada’s leading and most influential corporations.

1 (866) 677-3007

contact us

  • 1655 Queensway E #2, Mississauga, ON L4X 2Z5 

    Tel: (416) 366-3007
    Toll Free in Canada (866) 677-3007

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