Chapter Leadership | FEI Canada

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Southwestern Ontario Chapter Leadership 

Board Members 

Maryann Moons

Vice President
Sherry Collier

Past President
Diana Taplashvily

Jim King

Sue Deakin

Marketing & Branding
Michael Binns

Private Company 
Frank Synders

Member at Large
Nicole Archibald
Lynn Logan
Jim Knowles
Mark Trovato

FEI Canada
Leadership Beyond Finance

Financial Executives International Canada (FEI Canada) is the leading voice and informed choice for senior financial executives across the country. With 12 chapters and 1,100+ members, our association provides professional development, networking opportunities, thought leadership and advocacy services to its members. The association membership consists of senior-level financial executives spanning various industries, functions and disciplines and represents a significant number of Canada’s leading and most influential corporations.

1 (866) 677-3007

contact us

  • 1655 Queensway E #2, Mississauga, ON L4X 2Z5 

    Tel: (416) 366-3007
    Toll Free in Canada (866) 677-3007

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